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Robotics – Changing Our Lives and Future

Tue, Feb 09 2021, Zora Neale Hurston

Envision a future where robots are so integrated into the foundation of human life that they become as common as smartphones. Robotics is a field that has a great potential to improve our lives at work, home, and in-play. They can be a support for learning physical as well as cognitive activities. Robots for years have helped humans do a task that was considered dangerous. Now, the field of robotics has progressed into the exploration of unreachable environments from the depth of the ocean to deep space. 

Robots being made capable enough to adapt, learn and interact with human beings and other machines on a cognitive level. Technology has progressed so rapidly that over the past few decades computing has been made indispensable. The digitalization of everything has made human life easy and so accessible. These digitizations put together with robotics assures a future that only existed in one's imagination.

Robots are becoming so capable that they can execute complex computations and interact with the world on their own, with richer sensors and better actuators. With a future close, where robots and humans work alongside is creating many new job opportunities and saving time for humans.

Robots have only advanced in industrial fields or only in factories but have also come about to do simple human tasks such a mowing our lawns, milking cows, vacuuming the house, serving in restaurants, and so many other areas. In a few years, they will touch even more parts of our lives.

Today's robots are still quite limited. They cannot figure things out and their communication is often brittle. It also takes a lot of time to build new robots. The progressive adoption of robots will require integrating robots in the human world rather than integrating humans into the machine world.

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Traditional vs. Decoupled vs. Headless CMS – Know the Difference

To understand and, more importantly, value the differences between traditional, decoupled and headless CMS platforms, you first have to let go of the idea that content management systems (CMS) are purely a marketing-focused tool. Managing the production, design and distribution of content has become a major function of most marketing departments. The marketing team has grown used to doing it all and being enabled to design and deploy a web page within their team. This is the case for a traditional CMS deployment and within large organizations the lack of governance in this model can prove troublesome.

Traditional or "Coupled" CMS

There are clearly pros to doing it alone, but that ability has come with some rather serious drawbacks. For starters, pages need to conform to the database structure they sit atop. By extension, content needs to conform as well. Before you know it, content is being forced into structures that aren’t friendly, intuitive and may not perform to expectations. For all of the benefits of the WYSIWYG editor of the traditional CMS, it can only take an organization so far.

Keep in mind that the traditional model was established for websites and was able to modify with responsive themes to adequately manage mobile, but there’s a world of change coming that won’t be satisfied with these systems. Also, traditional systems require components beyond the database, creating challenges for management and scale.

Decoupled CMS

Demands for greater flexibility and scale have led to the concept of a decoupled CMS. In this world, marketers focus on creating content, and developers focus on the presentation of the content in the front-end. With this approach, the style and presentation of the content is not stored within the content, giving greater flexibility. Marketers do what they’re good at (content), and developers do what they know and love (coding).

The downside to a decoupled approach is that the moment a front-end is chosen, the limitations of that choice are then baked into the solution. So while you’ve solved some of the limitations of the traditional approach, you haven’t solved all of them. You’re still in a world that’s tightly coupled to the past.

This decoupled model, like the traditional model, hits its limitations when content needs to move quickly to cross-platform use cases.

Headless CMS or API-First CMS

The need to have systems with even greater flexibility both now and into the future has given rise to another option headless CMS. There is some overlap with decoupled CMS in the sense that it allows for healthy separation between marketing and development needs. However, a truly headless model allows for the limits imposed by any coupled front-end to be thrown out . You end up with centralized model for content but a flexible and better-performing model for where content can go.

This is because the Application Program Interface (API) approach of a headless CMS allows content creation to forever remain separate and distinct. Born in tandem with the explosion of API growth and the focus on microservice architecture, anything can call content from a headless CMS. Content becomes just another (but very important) service that can be called by a website, a mobile device, a software platform, an automobile, VR headset, Jumbotron or whatever tomorrow’s technology looks like.

The future of business with AI

"Intelligence is not a skill itself, it's not what you can do, it's how well and how efficiently you can learn new things."
Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing out of research labs and into the business world. Its power is being harnessed by leading companies across numerous industries — from banks examining countless data points in seconds to detect fraud, to call centers deploying chatbots to enhance customer interactions.
The recognition of AI in mainstream society might be a new phenomenon, but, it is not a new concept. The field of artificial intelligence came into existence in the year 1956. It took decades of effort to make notable progress in developing an AI system to make it a technological reality. In the business world, artificial intelligence has extensive uses. Most of us daily interact with an artificially intelligent system.
Artificial intelligence is not a replacement for human intelligence, instead, it is a support system. Although AI might not be good at completing simple tasks, it is skilled at processing and analyzing huge sets of data as compared to a human brain. Due to this quick process, business leaders with the help of AI can effectively resolve problems and take prompt decisions.
Artificial intelligence is kind of the second coming of software," said Amir Husain, founder, and CEO of machine learning company SparkCognition. "It's a form of software that makes decisions on its own, that's able to act even in situations not foreseen by the programmers. Artificial intelligence has a wider latitude of decision-making ability as opposed to traditional software."
These traits make artificial intelligence extremely valuable throughout many industries. Artificial intelligence is a vital associate when it comes to looking for loopholes in computer network defenses. With the escalating complexity of cyberattacks, cybersecurity specialists require additional assistance and this where AI is playing a significant role. Perhaps the most superior tool developed might be AI, but just like everything else, it can have useful as well as unfavorable consequences. If AI can be put to use responsibly, transparently, and justly, it would be a boon for businesses advancing towards growth and building a better world.